Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Catiline: Corrupt Traitor or Ambitious Social Reformer?

Cicerone denuncia Catalina (Cesare Maccari, 1888)

Catiline's Legacy: What Do You Think?

Catiline has been viewed through Cicero's eyes in the history books of our time.  As such, he has been labeled a corrupt traitor and ambitious revolutionary full of evil, sparking a revolution simply for personal gain.  Recently, however, some have argued the opposite: that he was a champion of the poor and the poverty-stricken, both in Rome and the surrounding Italian countryside, urging revolution for social reform.  Where do you stand on this argument?  Was Catiline a corrupt traitor, or an ambitious social reformer?

Before posting, please read the "Legacy" section (at the end) of Wikipedia's entry for Catiline.  The entry can be found at the link below.  After reading the short excerpt, please answer the question above. 

Catiline Wikipedia link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catiline

Remember to use your Latin name when posting...we don't want your personal information floating around out there on the web!